The Art of Building High-Converting Landing Pages: 18 Proven Techniques

Art of Building High converting Landing Pages
Turning your landing page into a conversion engine is more than a formula – it’s an art, requiring a delicate balance of content, design, and psychology to guide your users on a journey that ultimately leads them to convert. By focusing on the user’s experience, tailoring it to their unique needs and expectations, and leveraging established best practices, you can transform a mediocre landing page into a true conversion machine. This article delves into proven tactics to enhance your landing page performance.

The Mystery of Landing Pages

So what’s the secret behind landing pages? Simply put, they’re standalone web pages centred around a single objective or call to action (CTA). They’re designed to convert visitors into leads or customers, without the distractions that can be found on a homepage or other website pages. Unlike standard web pages that serve multiple purposes and invite exploration, landing pages strive to elicit a specific reaction, be it subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a guide, scheduling a meeting, seeking further information, or making a purchase. Web pages are generally informative, more detailed, and often represent the starting point of a customer’s sales journey. In contrast, landing pages are persuasive, concise, and typically represent the end of the sales cycle.

Landing Page Best Practices

The design of an effective landing page goes beyond just creating an appealing layout. Let’s delve into some best practices that will improve your landing page conversion rate:

1. Kick Off with a Striking Hero

The hero section, the first thing your visitors see when they arrive on your page, often consists of a headline, sub-heading, CTA and a hero image or form in the case of landing pages. Use a compelling headline, supportive copy and imagery to create a strong initial impact. The hero is the most prized area on your page, so your value proposition should be clearly expressed here. It only takes a few seconds for the user to decide whether they’re interested in what you’re offering after landing on your page. An enticing headline that instantly grabs their attention and persuades them to stay and explore is key. For example, “Boost Your Sales by 50% with Best-in-Class Marketing Software” communicates a remarkable advantage. It’s worthwhile testing different headline variations as their impact on conversion rates can be considerable.

2. Concentrate on a Single, Clear Call to Action

Identify the one conversion action you want your visitors to take on your landing page and zero in on this objective. Your CTA should be visually conspicuous to attract the visitor’s attention. Action-orientated language like “Start for Free” or “Download Now,” clearly indicating what visitors will receive by clicking, is best. Make sure your button background colour and text have a high colour contrast ratio to cater to colourblind or visually impaired users.

3. Write Persuasive Copy

Your copy should be succinct, clear, and persuasive, guiding visitors towards your CTA. Tailor your copy to your audience’s needs, emphasising key benefits over features. For example, in place of “Our software comes with 100+ features,” say “Streamline your workflow and save hours each day”. Effective marketing copy gets your audience excited about your offering by clearly demonstrating how your product or service can enhance their lives. Use language that creates a sense of urgency, excitement and curiosity, driving the user to delve deeper. Write confidently and clearly to instil confidence in your reader that choosing your product is the right decision.

4. Keep it Concise

While there’s no one-size-fits-all rule, shorter landing page copy often performs better. Today’s consumers have a very short attention span, so keeping your message brief and focused can help keep them engaged. Around 500 words are often considered ideal as it allows you to convey sufficient information to help your reader make an informed decision without becoming disinterested. This word count can also help your SEO as it gives search engines enough context to understand and rank your content effectively. However, testing your copy to establish what resonates with your audience is highly recommended.

5. Use Captivating Imagery

Complement your messaging with visuals. An excellent strategy is to demonstrate your product or service in action. For example, if you’re selling a SaaS product, display your user interface or dashboards to manage user expectations. Alternatively, use images that represent the benefits of your solution. For instance, if you’re offering a productivity eBook, use an image that showcases a well-organised, productive workspace. This strategy strengthens your message visually, making the benefits tangible and relatable to your audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.

6. Craft a Relatable Narrative

Stories resonate deeply with people. Utilise storytelling to emotionally connect with your audience. Identify an issue or pain point your audience encounters, amplify it and illustrate how your offering can resolve it. Alternatively, compare the user’s life before and after using your service or product and present your CTA as the gateway to that transformation.

7. Refine Your Forms

The design and complexity of your forms can greatly affect your landing page’s conversion rate. Experiment with the length and types of fields to determine what suits your audience best. Simple forms that request only basic information, such as name and email address, make conversion easier for your users. Positioning your form above the fold can also help improve conversions because it is instantly visible without scrolling. However, testing different layouts can help you determine what your audience prefers.

8. Tailor the Experience

Personalisation allows you to dynamically adjust what each visitor sees on your landing page, creating a unique user experience. This strategy ensures that your offer resonates with the user and makes them feel acknowledged and valued, increasing their likelihood to convert. Implementing personalised experiences requires a thorough understanding of your audience segments to customise the landing page. This is based on existing user data gathered from past interactions, noted user behaviour, location, and other user data that offer insights into their specific preferences. Remember to use responsible data collection methods and adhere to privacy regulations.

9. Eliminate All Distractions

Removing distractions such as menus and links from your landing page helps simplify the user’s path, improving focus on the conversion goal and increasing the likelihood of action. A study by VWO found that removing the navigation menu can double conversion rates. By adopting the KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid!) when designing your landing pages, you’re sure to see your engagement and conversion rates soar.

10. Showcase Trust Signals

Incorporating testimonials, case studies, and customer logos on your landing page can significantly boost conversion rates. They offer social proof and build trust with potential customers by demonstrating your product or service’s impact on others. Trust badges, awards or guarantees can also illustrate brand credibility and reassure users about their decision to support your business.

11. Leverage Engaging Product Videos

Product videos are an effective tool for increasing conversions. According to HubSpot, embedding relevant video content on a landing page can boost conversions by as much as 86%. Use explainer videos, demo videos or video testimonials to quickly convey your value proposition and depict your service or product benefits in an engaging manner.

12. Highlight Competitive Advantages

Sharing insights about your offerings compared to competitors can persuade visitors to choose your business over others. This strategy effectively convinces visitors by differentiating your products or services and showcasing their unique benefits. By articulating how your solution tackles specific problems better than others, you present a compelling reason for visitors to choose your business over competitors. This not only informs potential customers of your strengths but also reinforces your value proposition.

13. Develop Campaign-Specific Landing Pages

Creating campaign-specific landing pages means tailoring each page to match the content and tone of the corresponding paid marketing campaign, such as Google or Facebook Ads. Ensuring your messaging is consistent across all campaign assets offers a seamless experience for the visitor. If there’s a disconnect between the ad and the landing page, the visitor is likely to bounce. For example, if they click on an ad promoting sunglasses and end up on a page selling VR headsets, they won’t stay long. This relevance is crucial for boosting your Google Ads Quality Score, which can result in lower ad costs and superior ad placements. This will not only enhance your overall traffic but ultimately increase your conversion rates by providing a flawless transition for users from your ad to your landing page and finally to your CTA.

14. Ensure Your Page is Responsive

According to Statista, mobile devices generated 58.67% of global website traffic in the last quarter of 2023. A significant portion of your landing page visitors will likely be using mobile devices. A responsive design ensures your landing page looks great on any device, providing a seamless experience for mobile and desktop users alike. Creating a mobile-friendly landing page also directly impacts your search engine rankings. Google uses mobile-first indexing, which means that the mobile version of a website’s content is predominantly used for indexing and ranking. If your website isn’t responsive, you will be penalised in search rankings. By ensuring optimal mobile performance and user experience, your landing page will be more visible in search engines, reach a wider audience, and mobile users will be more likely to convert.

15. Optimise for Search

Optimising your landing page for search engines is a critical step in ensuring that it gets seen by your target audience. Utilise SEO best practices, such as including relevant keywords in your page title, headers, and throughout the content, to improve your page’s visibility in search results. Additionally, enhance your page’s SEO by adding alt text to images, and creating a succinct but descriptive meta description to entice users to click through from the search results. Remember, the goal is to not only rank high in search engine results pages but to also appeal directly to the needs and interests of your audience, making them more likely to engage with your call-to-action (CTA).

16. Improve Your Page Speed

Speed is of the essence when it comes to keeping potential customers engaged on your landing page. A slow-loading page can increase bounce rates significantly as users tend to lose patience and leave the site if it doesn’t load quickly. In fact, speeding up your page load time from 5 seconds to 1 second can triple your conversions. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help identify what’s slowing down your page and provide recommendations to enhance its loading time. Compressing images, minimising CSS and JavaScript, and leveraging browser caching are effective strategies to boost page speed.

17. Monitor User Behavior

Keeping a close eye on how visitors interact with your landing page gives invaluable insights into what’s working and what’s not. Utilise analytics tools to track metrics such as time on page, bounce rate, and the pathways visitors take before converting. Understanding these behaviours allows you to tweak your content, design, and CTAs to better meet the needs of your audience, ultimately improving your conversion rates.

18. Test & Optimise

Continuous testing and optimisation are key to landing page success. A/B testing, where two versions of a page are shown to different segments of visitors, can reveal which elements perform best in terms of engagement and conversion. Test different headlines, images, and CTAs to determine what resonates most with your audience. Remember, optimisation is an ongoing process; even small changes can lead to significant improvements in performance.

Final Words

Creating an effective landing page is a dynamic and continual process that demands attention to detail and an understanding of your audience’s needs. By optimising for search, improving page speed, monitoring user behaviour, and regularly testing and tweaking your page elements, you can significantly enhance your landing page’s ability to convert visitors into customers. Remember, the goal is not just to attract visitors, but to engage them and encourage action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or another desired outcome. Achieving this balance between visibility, user experience, and compelling content is your ticket to landing page success.

Optimise Your Landing Pages

Reach out to Cybersolve for a consultation.
Picture of Anneli van Rooyen
Anneli van Rooyen
Digital Director at Cybersolve